Help & Resources

It starts with a conversation

John 13:34-35
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

What do you need in your life right now ???
I remember when I was in middle school and did not have a relationship with God.  I didn't go to church. But, my mom left my stepdad due to abuse and we traversed across the nation with nothing.  We stayed in battered women's shelters to arrive in Georgia with the clothes on our back.  I will never forget when people in a church I don't even know to this day who, gathered furniture for my mom, me, and brothers to have the feel of a home as we healed.  That was my first impression of church as a child.  May the church always be a connecting point for people to get the help they need!

Asking for Help when needed

Whether you need food, prayer, community, or shelter. The church is here to help.

Resources for You

Be The Church

Community Connection
"To equip and empower people to Be The Church everywhere they go."
We believe God wants to use every person to change their world. More

Helping In His Name Food Pantry

The Atlanta Dream Center is a pantry but Helping In His Hands is right here in McDonough too.  We also resource Convoy of Hope distribution center in Macon.

Rehab or Shelter

Help for Women
Haven House helps with domestic violence. Hope Farms takes women addicted to any life-altering substance. And Bridge Wellness South is a pregnancy crisis center.

Dream Center/ Connecting Henry

The Dream Center has Serve Saturdays for you to serve in your community.  They have a Scholar Dollar program to help single parents get on their feet.  And both the Dream Center and Connecting Henry help you find shelter.

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