
Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Ways to Engage

Wednesday Youth Church

Starts at 6:30pm
Come enjoy a small dinner, fellowship, fun and an engaging lesson about who God is and how to develop a fruitful and lasting relationship with Him! 

Stay Connected on the App

We have so many events, retreats, camps, and just fun hang out nights and we want you to stay connected so download the app and join our Freshlife group below.

Get to know me.

You are in a pivotal time in your life, your faith and yes, friends matter.  
Pastor Jake, our student pastor, and his team of leaders are here to give you cool events and a neat worship experience to engage in.  You will have a chance to participate in some amazing events throughout the year from summer camps and fall retreats to One Conference to National Fine Arts competitions and help with outreaches!  There are lots of ways to connect with other students and learn who God is and how much He loves you.

Life Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

You have your friends at school and that is great but bringing your school friends to Freshlife on Wednesdays is even better.  We also keep in touch on the app!