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Clash of Clans: “Stand Firm” - 9/8/24
Sep 8, 2024 • Pastor Robby Mullinax
Title - Clash of clans: “Stand Firm”
Colossians 2:8
* Worldly values are inconsistent
* Values of this world typically do not align with our values of faith
Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 10:39; Matthew 7:24-27
* Your foundation should not be on the shifting circumstances of the earth, but on the unchanging promises of heaven.
* Worldly values are seductive
2 Timothy 4:3-4
* The world view offers just enough truth to seem plausible.
* What the devil can’t fully destroy, he will seek to distract.
* We have to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.
* It’s not enough to simply say “no” to the things and values of this world. We have to take it a step further and say “yes” to the things of God
John 14:17